Home Industry News Massive Facebook Live Video Scams Hit Race Track Pages

Massive Facebook Live Video Scams Hit Race Track Pages

Scam Alert

Massive scams involving live video feeds have been making their rounds on Facebook, targeting race tracks across the country.

Showing up recently more and more on race track pages within their post replies have been links to pages that purportedly allows a person to watch the track’s racing action live with a video feed. Some pages look legit, and only charge a single dollar for access to watch. However, every one of these are fraud, set up by fake Facebook accounts and fraudsters attempting to get access to payment methods to drain a person’s credit card, debit card, or bank account.

While some track pages have attempted to keep up with removal of the posts, others have simply turned off commenting on their pages, which hurts interaction. Facebook has a limited set of options for page creators, which doesn’t allow for reply moderation, an option that Facebook Groups do.

Viewers are encouraged to report and block and post and account they see posting the scam video feeds via the tools within Facebook. Additionally, never trust a link within the comments for live video feeds that are not directly posted by the track’s social media team or on their website.

Legends Nation has a LIVE page on the site, which links to some of our legit live PPV content partners, which includes FloRacing and Racing America.