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In the Stix: ENOUGH! Drivers, Quit Telling the Nation You Can’t Thank Your Sponsors

In the Stix: ENOUGH! Drivers, Quit Telling the Nation You Can’t Thank Your Sponsors

Opinion Editorial by Jason “Stix” Buckley, founder and owner of Legends Nation

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this opinion editorial column are the views and opinions of the author of the article.  These views are not necessarily those of LegendsNation.com, its sponsors or other contributors.

There are things we experience during our lifetimes that might be annoying to us, but not to others. Nails on a chalkboard, chewing cotton, and the squeak of running hands across Styrofoam are all things that affect some, but not everyone. During my time in motorsports, one thing in particular has annoyed me to no end, and it is time to say something publicly about it.

What exactly is it?

Race drivers that intentionally tell the nation in interviews they cannot thank their sponsors.

Really? Yes, really. There are drivers that flat out tell people in their victory interview they can’t thank their sponsors, then they list the sponsors they flat out cannot thank. You know, the ones that give them money to race. Nope, can’t thank them whatsoever, and name them one by one in the process of who they refuse to thank.

Are you all totally confused? Let me explain.

Whether it is a Bandolero or Legends driver in our world, Late Model drivers, or even up to the big leagues of NASCAR and IndyCar racing, drivers interviewed, whether in a victory speech or otherwise, tend to list their sponsors in the interview that helped them get to where they are. There has been a debate about how a driver should do that considering in some interviews there isn’t enough time on the microphone to list the sponsors, and many times the people listening to the interview do not care about the sponsor listing. Rather, they want to hear about the race or other information asked by the interviewer. Still though, without sponsors, many wouldn’t be able to race, and therefore, drivers do the sponsor verbal dance on the mic. With that, many drivers tend to get lost in the list of sponsors and forget one word when giving their speech.

The word?


 I am not sure who started the trend in motorsports to say, “I can’t thank so-in-so enough for helping me.” Whomever did changed the dynamic of motorsports interviews forever. Everyone says it. But within the phrasing, some forget to wrap the statement with the word “enough” at the end. So, they literally say they “can’t thank” and list their sponsors.

Ok, yes, we all know what they mean. If a driver doesn’t say the word “enough” we all are smart enough to know they really are trying to thank them instead of not.  And sometimes it is more forgivable than others, especially when there is an excited driver giving a victory lane speech.

In thanking sponsors and marketing partners for Legends Nation, I don’t think I have ever said the “can’t thank” phrase. I always use the positive direct phrasing of “thank you to” as I feel that is a better approach verbally. And, it doesn’t lead to the oops of leaving the word “enough” absent from the messaging.

The next time you hear a driver in any form of motorsports give thanks to their sponsors, pay attention to their phrasing and if they leave off the word “enough” during the speech. And drivers, pay attention to how you phrase things. While we know what you mean even if you leave off that vital word, you are running your nails across a chalk board for me!

Note: I wrote this not only to help drivers with what they say, but also to have a little fun. We always have to remember to smile and laugh at life’s funny moments.