Home Track News Bandoleros and Legends Winners and Results from Friday, March 14, at Atlanta...

Bandoleros and Legends Winners and Results from Friday, March 14, at Atlanta Motor Speedway

Atlanta Motor Speedway AMS Legends

Legends and Bandoleros raced double features on Friday, March 14, at Atlanta Motor Speedway (GA) after the events were moved up one day due to incoming weather. Divisional winners were Camden Powers (Rookie Bandoleros, both features), James Behnke and Evan Johnson (Bandolero Bandits), Wyatt Coffey (Bandolero Outlaws, both features), Landon Thrasher (Legends Chargers, both features), Dylan Bongiovanni (Legends Young Lions, both features), Bryce Saunders (Legends Semi-Pro, both features), Nick Woodall (Legends Pro, both features), and Josh Mullins (Legends Masters, both features).

Results below, as posted on My Race Pass.


A Feature 1: 1. 7-Camden Powers note: corrected entry misspelled) [1]; 2. 5-Colton Sherman[2]; 3. 16-Connor Cordell[4]; 4. 11-Cannon Pounds[7]; 5. 59-Ava Treschl[6]; 6. 6-Wyatt Grizzard[3]; 7. 50-Crit Jones[5]; 8. 47-Ryleigh West[8]

A Feature 2: 1. 7-Camden Powers note: corrected entry misspelled) [1]; 2. 5-Colton Sherman[2]; 3. 47-Ryleigh West[8]; 4. 16-Connor Cordell[3]; 5. 50-Crit Jones[7]; 6. 59-Ava Treschl[5]; 7. (BF) 6-Wyatt Grizzard[6]; 8. (DNS) 11-Cannon Pounds


A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 1J-James Behnke[1]; 2. 66-Evan Johnson[3]; 3. 7-Casen Tate[2]; 4. 38-Gerald White III[4]; 5. 21-Connor Sanders[5]; 6. 47-Daylen Pennington[6]; 7. 95G-Colton Glass[7]; 8. 111-Reese Shirley[11]; 9. 99-Cam Glass[10]; 10. 16-Maci Prowell[8]; 11. 5-Tryson Pinion[9]

A Feature 2 (15 Laps): 1. 66-Evan Johnson[2]; 2. 1J-James Behnke[1]; 3. 38-Gerald White III[4]; 4. 21-Connor Sanders[5]; 5. 47-Daylen Pennington[6]; 6. 16-Maci Prowell[10]; 7. 5-Tryson Pinion[11]; 8. 99-Cam Glass[9]; 9. 95G-Colton Glass[7]; 10. 111-Reese Shirley[8]; 11. 7-Casen Tate[3]


A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 2-Wyatt Coffey[4]; 2. 55-Landon Thrasher[1]; 3. 87-Briella Rudolph[5]; 4. 48-Brenten Bishop[7]; 5. 12-Mya Eatherly[8]; 6. 4-Jordan Bauer[3]; 7. 7-Kamryn Mallette[6]; 8. 9-Carson Sherman[2]

A Feature 2 (15 Laps): 1. 2-Wyatt Coffey[1]; 2. 55-Landon Thrasher[2]; 3. 9-Carson Sherman[8]; 4. 7-Kamryn Mallette[7]; 5. 87-Briella Rudolph[3]; 6. 4-Jordan Bauer[6]; 7. 12-Mya Eatherly[5]; 8. 48-Brenten Bishop[4]


A Feature 1: 1. 55-Landon Thrasher[2]; 2. 33-Grayson Pendley[1]; 3. 5-Cameron Stearns[3]; 4. 5Y-Luke Young[6]; 5. 62-Carson Pounds[5]; 6. 9-Peyton Harbison[4]

A Feature 2: 1. 55-Landon Thrasher[1]; 2. 33-Grayson Pendley[2]; 3. 5-Cameron Stearns[3]; 4. 9-Peyton Harbison[6]; 5. 5Y-Luke Young[4]; 6. 62-Carson Pounds[5]


A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 62-Dylan Bongiovanni[1]; 2. 16-Carson Youngblood[2]; 3. 5-Will Haire[4]; 4. 68-Luke Giglio[3]; 5. 29X-Bowen Mayhue[5]; 6. 10-Alex Pate[10]; 7. 4-Mitchell Flater[7]; 8. 29-Javier Soto[6]; 9. 08-Billy Lee[8]; 10. 07-Keeton Harris[9]; 11. 11-Landon Cordell[11]; 12. 9-TJ Moon[12]

A Feature 2 (15 Laps): 1. 62-Dylan Bongiovanni[1]; 2. 16-Carson Youngblood[2]; 3. 5-Will Haire[3]; 4. 68-Luke Giglio[4]; 5. 10-Alex Pate[6]; 6. 07-Keeton Harris[10]; 7. 29X-Bowen Mayhue[5]; 8. 11-Landon Cordell[11]; 9. 08-Billy Lee[9]; 10. 29-Javier Soto[8]; 11. 4-Mitchell Flater[7]; 12. (DNS) 9-TJ Moon


A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 15-Bryce Sanders[3]; 2. 81B-Sam Butler[1]; 3. 9-Garrett Erwin[8]; 4. 60-Dylan Faulkner[2]; 5. 38-Emma Britt[6]; 6. 31-Jason Treschl[5]; 7. 22-Randy Phillips[9]; 8. 38C-Galen Clark[4]; 9. 38W-Cameron White[10]; 10. 27-Brian Cosier[11]; 11. 81-Hunter Jordan[7]

A Feature 2 (15 Laps): 1. 15-Bryce Sanders[1]; 2. 81B-Sam Butler[2]; 3. 9-Garrett Erwin[3]; 4. 38-Emma Britt[5]; 5. 31-Jason Treschl[6]; 6. 38C-Galen Clark[8]; 7. 60-Dylan Faulkner[4]; 8. 38W-Cameron White[9]; 9. 27-Brian Cosier[10]; 10. 22-Randy Phillips[7]; 11. (DNS) 81-Hunter Jordan


A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 72W-Nick Woodall[1]; 2. 32-Jensen Jorgensen[6]; 3. 72-Luke Yarbrough[2]; 4. 3-Taylor Jorgensen[3]; 5. 48-Tyler Cordell[4]; 6. (DNS) 17-Oliver Cordell

A Feature 2 (15 Laps): 1. 72W-Nick Woodall[1]; 2. 32-Jensen Jorgensen[2]; 3. 72-Luke Yarbrough[3]; 4. 3-Taylor Jorgensen[4]; 5. 48-Tyler Cordell[5]; 6. (DNS) 17-Oliver Cordell


A Feature 1 (15 Laps): 1. 21M-Josh Mullins[1]; 2. 7-Phillip Young[3]; 3. 15-Bill Plemons Jr[2]; 4. 40-Brian Weimer[4]; 5. 37-Lisa Young[5]; 6. 00-greg mayhue[6]; 7. (DNS) 15M-Scott Moseley

A Feature 2 (15 Laps): 1. 21M-Josh Mullins[1]; 2. 7-Phillip Young[2]; 3. 15-Bill Plemons Jr[3]; 4. 37-Lisa Young[5]; 5. 00-greg mayhue[6]; 6. (DNS) 40-Brian Weimer; 7. (DNS) 15M-Scott Moseley