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In the Stix: Attention Charlotte Motor Speedway, INEX, and NASCAR: Immediately Bring Back Legends and Bandoleros During NASCAR Weekends!

In the Stix - September 23 2024 - CMS INEX and NASCAR

Opinion Editorial by Jason “Stix” Buckley, founder and owner of Legends Nation

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this opinion editorial column are the views and opinions of the author of the article.  These views are not necessarily those of LegendsNation.com, its sponsors or other contributors.

I am going to start this opinion editorial by flat out stating the bottom line, because they need to read it, and read it now:

Hey Charlotte Motor Speedway, INEX, and NASCAR. immediately bring back Legends and Bandolero racing during your NASCAR race weekends in 2025!

Now, reread that again, and read it several times until it sticks in your brain, INEX, CMS, and NASCAR, and make it happen. Period.

Ok, with that stated right up front, let me dive into this a bit, and why it is super frustrating and extremely stupid Legends and Bandoleros are not currently racing on the front stretch quarter-mile oval at Charlotte during NASCAR race weekends.

For many years, one of the coolest things for Legends and Bandolero drivers was racing at Charlotte Motor Speedway during the May and October NASCAR weekends on the front stretch quarter-mile oval. Whether it was racing in front of a lot of race fans or showcasing their talent in front of the NASCAR teams, it was an event they enjoyed participating in.

AND, did you know that Legends Nation might not have existed if it wasn’t for that happening? Back around 1994 – 1997, when I was living in Wisconsin, I drove down to North Carolina for NASCAR race weekends at CMS, and that is where I took pictures with an old film camera of Legend Cars rolling around the track during the pre-race parades, and also started shooting videos of the races from the stands. There were even some names like Kelley Earnhardt and Kerry Earnhardt that raced in October of 2016 for the “NASCAR Next Generation” Legends event (I was there for that, click here for the video). Additionally, I was at the first-ever Bandolero race in 1997, and I might be the only person that has the video of the race (click here). Way back then I was introduced to Legends and Bandolero racing when I was just basically a NASCAR top-three series fan, and I loved it!

Additionally, I was also at the 1997 Texas Motor Speedway NASCAR debut racing weekend, and Legends raced out there on their front stretch track (I have footage of that, too). Atlanta Motor Speedway actually still does run those races to date (and is the only one to do so since Legends dried up in Texas until recently in Houston).

Of course, those races at CMS came with their own challenges. They were slotted into the NASCAR schedule to where sometimes the races were cut short due to time constraints. Still though, the marketing aspect of it made sense from many angles. But, at some point it stopped, and it makes zero sense as to why.

Obviously most that are in the Legends and Bandolero world know this, but for those reading that don’t, U.S. Legend Cars International (who manufactures the cars) and INEX (the sanctioning body for them … their version of “NASCAR”), which used to be known as 600 Racing, was founded and is owned by Speedway Motorsports, Inc. You know, the same company that owns Charlotte Motor Speedway, Atlanta Motor Speedway, Texas Motor Speedway, and many other tracks. From the business aspect, promoting a product THEY OWN in front of NASCAR fans will not only bring more eyeballs to their part of the sport, but also bring more young (and even older) drivers to race Bandoleros and Legends. Where is the negative to building your brand and generating more sales?

From the fan perspective, fans love racing. Yes, they are there for the NASCAR races, but many get to the track early, browse the souvenir area, and then a lot get to their seats with their food and drinks, and want to be entertained. When Covid changed NASCAR’s practice / qualifying scheduling, fans that go to the track lost a lot of on-track action that they enjoyed. So adding Bandoleros and Legends back into the mix is good to get those fans in the seats, and, by the way, sell more product at the concession stands.

For the drivers, as mentioned, it is a chance to showcase their talents in front of a newer crowd, and also sell sponsorships for it. What company doesn’t want exposure to the NASCAR crowd?

Oh, and one thing going back to the track marketing. USLCI, INEX, and Charlotte Motor Speedway (and I am sure NASCAR as well) ALL KNEW some big name drivers were racing Bandoleros and Legends this year, and knew it before the season started. Brexton Busch, son of NASCAR champion Kyle Busch, races Bandoleros. Also, Keelan Harvick, son of NASCAR champion Kevin Harvick, races Legends. Why in the heck wouldn’t you schedule a race to entice them to run, then market the absolute crap out of it to the fans? “See the sons of NASCAR champions race to advance their career in the sport!” But no, it didn’t happen this year, and that was extremely unfortunate and stupid from a business standpoint to not do so.

I do not know where the failure has been. Is it INEX that chose not to sanction the race there? Is it the CMS? Is it NASCAR? I do not know. Yes, I could have used the “journalistic” side of Legends Nation and poked around, asking each where the failure has been. But I don’t care. It doesn’t matter who or what caused it to stop. The fact that the races didn’t happen in 2024 with all the reasons why they should is a problem, and it should be rectified in 2025.

Or, maybe drivers are the reason. Did the drivers just not care to go, and a poor car count a year prior caused them to cancel them the next season? I highly doubt that.

Regardless, there is no reason INEX, CMS, and NASCAR shouldn’t get together and bring them back to Charlotte Motor Speedway in 2025 for both the May and October weekends. If the current people in charge of making those decisions can’t make it happen, put people in those positions that can.

It is time. Make it happen.


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