Tag: tucson speedway
Dominic West and Gus Levin Saturday Winners at Tucson Speedway
Racing action at Tucson Speedway in Arizona took place on Saturday, July 1, with Dominic West (Bandolero Bandits) and Gus Levin (Bandolero Outlaws) claiming...
Gun Levin Takes Bandolero Feature Victory Saturday at Tucson Speedway
Bandoleros raced on Saturday, May 20, at Tucson Speedway in Tucson, Arizona. In the 12-lap feature, Outlaw driver Gus Levin drove to the victory...
Sofia Medrano and Gus Levin Winners Saturday at Tucson Speedway
Bandoleos raced on Saturday, May 6, at Tucson Speedway in Arizona as part of their Mother’s Day event. Sofia Medrano won the Bandolero Bandits...
West and Levin Win in Bandolero Action at Tucson Speedway on...
Bandoleros raced on Saturday, April 8, at Tucson Speedway in Arizona. In the Bandits division, Dominic West took the checkered flag in the 10-lap...