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In the Stix: Tracks Forcing Drivers to Choose Track Championship or Nationals Are Doing the Sport a Disservice

In the Stix: Tracks Forcing Drivers to Choose Track Championship or Nationals Are Doing the Sport a Disservice

Opinion Editorial by Jason “Stix” Buckley, founder and owner of Legends Nation

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this opinion editorial column are the views and opinions of the author of the article.  These views are not necessarily those of LegendsNation.com, its sponsors or other contributors.

When Legends Nation originally launched under the 51 Sports banner back in 2007 (I was running it), we had a section on the website called “In the Stix” where I dropped my opinions on topics of things happening in the Bandolero and Legends Nation. It was a way for me to speak my mind and yet keep the journalistic integrity of non-biased coverage of the sport all in one place. I might republish some of the original “In the Stix” topics as some of them still ring true today.

While I have wanted to write about some things going on in our part of the sport, I have generally held back on controversial things for multiple reasons, one of which is I generally like to keep the news and information about the sport positive. Yes, LN is news and I am a journalist (of the old code of fairness and free of writing bias), and sometimes the bad has to be posted along with the good. I do not harp on the bad like other “journalists” do in motorsports or other forms of news or sports media as it doesn’t help promote what we all love. That being said, something I have recently seen bothered me, and I think it is time to speak out.

Before getting into this topic, I want to make it very clear. I have not discussed this topic in an on-the-record form with either INEX or the tracks involved. There is speculative reasoning within my opinion listed, and there might be other factors I haven’t mentioned or thought of. I felt, in this case, I wanted to pen my opinion of the situation as it appears to me as someone who is a big supporter of the sport, and what I see. INEX and tracks both have reasons, and I touch on what I think they are, but they have not contributed to my opinion of what I see. This is also not a bashing of either side of the situation. It is more pointing out what I feel is wrong and hopefully putting some ideas in the minds of those in power positions to make course corrections to benefit everyone.

On April 5, 2024, U.S. Legend Cars International and INEX announced the 2024 Bandolero Nationals will take place at Hawkeye Downs Speedway in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on September 6 and 7.  This is big for the state and the track, and honestly, I am a bit biased in loving this as Iowa in my home state, growing up about an hour and a half from Hawkeye Downs, just outside the Quad Cities. I made immediate moves to work on going there for event coverage with Legends Nation (which can be found here).

While Iowa works for me and many other drivers, there are understandably some that are not big fans of the location. They have nothing against Iowa or Hawkeye Downs, however, for some in different parts of the country, especially the south where the Bandolero Nationals were in 2023 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (NC), it is a haul. However, there is a bigger problem that has emerged where some drivers want to go to the Nationals, but their local track is forcing them to make a tough decision.

According to a few different drivers and their postings on social, some of their local tracks are having track points races the same weekend as the Bandolero Nationals, with no exceptions, drops, or changes. This is requiring some drivers to make the difficult choice of staying at their local track to try and go for their track championship, or go to the Bandolero Nationals to compete for the Nationals win and INEX National points championships.

Making drivers having to choose is extremely disappointing.

Now, before some say I am unfairly targeting tracks for not altering their schedules, I get it. First, INEX needs to do a better job getting the host track for this and all National events locked down and announced earlier in the season. The other Nationals (Legend Asphalt, Legend Dirt, and Legends World Finals) were announced earlier in the year, while the Bandolero Nationals was a bit of a late announcement as most if not all tracks across the country already had their schedules published for the 2024 racing season. In quotes INEX provided on something else this week, they did state they are trying to lock in and announce Nationals dates sooner for planning purposes, so that is a good thing.

Another thing that is understandable with track schedules is budget related. Some tracks set their schedule based on financial backing from sponsors, whether for events, track sponsors, or divisional sponsors. Canceling a race outside of a weather cancelation can affect their bottom line or be against a contract they might have with sponsors. This is very valid reasoning on why some might not be able to just cancel or move race dates.

One other reason is that tracks know some of their drivers will not make the trip to the Nationals, so they want to make sure their local drivers are not short-changed and not be able to race. And, finally, while it is something that is difficult for some to admit, some tracks just do not care about working with others, even for the betterment of the sport or the series. I have seen track date wars throughout the years, and even this year in some areas.

So, what happens now? What should tracks do?

In my opinion, tracks that are currently holding Bandolero races on the same weekend as the Bandolero Nationals need to make the races non-points events. Allow the drivers that want to show up and race that aren’t going to the Nationals race, but not penalize those that have supported the track all season and for one weekend choose to go race in the biggest event during the season for Bandolero drivers. Another option is to cancel the race or reschedule if possible (double features on another date is another option). And, in the future, if this a contract issue or a scheduling issue (championship night or something else), put in the contracts with sponsors that the schedule might be altered due to the scheduling of the Bandolero Nationals. If INEX posts the Nationals dates sooner, it shouldn’t be an issue.

Being it is just two weeks away from drivers and teams either heading to either their local track to race for track points or travel to Iowa for the Bandolero Nationals, it might be too late for some to switch plans if a track that went forward with their track points race on the same weekend decides to cancel their event or make it a non-points event for their track championship. But we shouldn’t have gotten this far in the season with this conflict.

Having track points races on the same weekend as the Bandolero Nationals is a failure for the sport, and doesn’t show cohesiveness the sport needs. Common sense needs to prevail here on all sides with INEX announcing sooner and tracks adjusting accordingly. If everyone works together, it will build the sport, and the drivers and teams will be thankful, continuing to support their local tracks as well as INEX National events. Hopefully in 2025 this isn’t a decision drivers will have to be forced to make.

What do you think? Did I bring up good points? Disagree with my stance? Respectfully debate on the Legends Nation Facebook page by clicking here.